1) Samson was a Nazirite. Nazirite's were not allowed to: a) Cut their hair b) Eat fish c) Get married d) Pray out loud e) Have children 2) Samson's first wife was a: a) Jew b) Nazirite c) Christian d) Philistine e) Israeli 3) Who was Samson's second wife? a) Delilah b) Deborah c) Rebecca d) Ruth e) Daphne 4) How much money did the Philistines give Delilah to discover Samson's secret? a) 5 million shekels b) 500 hundred shekels c) 50 shekels d) 50, 000 shekels e) 5000 shekels 5) What makes Samson become as weak as an ordinary man? a) Tying him with ropes b) Putting him in shackles c) Starving him d) Cutting his hair e) Tying him with strings of seven bows 6) When Samson was caught by the Philistines, what did they use to hold him? a) Bronze shackles b) Gold shackles c) Copper shackles d) Silver shackles 7) Which building did Samson destroy by pushing against the pillars? a) First temple of Jerusalem b) temple of Dagon c) temple of Nazirites d) church of Philistines e) church of Nazirites 8) Where do we find the story of Samson? a) Writings b) Song of Songs c) Judges d) Ecclesiastes e) Kings 9) For how many years did Samson lead Israel? a) 40 b) 25 c) 50 d) 30 e) 20 10) How many times did Samson lie to Delilah? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) He didn't lie to her.

Samson - The Explorer's Bible


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