Transformation - Mapping or movement of all points of a figure in a plane according to common operations such as reflection, rotation, and translation., Image - Resulting figure after a transformation occurs, Pre-image - original figure before a transformation occurs, Isometry - Transformation that results in the image and pre-image being congruent, Rigid Transformation - Transformation that results in congruent figures, another way to refer to isometry, Line of symmetry - Line separating a figure into 2 halves that are mirror images of each other, Reflection - Transformation creates a mirror image of a figure over a line of reflection, Regular Polygon - 2 dimensional figure in which all sides and all angles are equal, Line of reflection - line acts as a mirror so that corresponding points are the same distance from the mirror, Rotation - Transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point through a given point with a given direction: such as 90 degrees clockwise, Translation - Transformation that slides each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction, Prime - Notation given to a figure or point after it has been transformed. Written as an apostrophe, Point of rotation - Point about which a figure is turned during a rotation, Rotational Symmetry - A form of symmetry in which the figure looks the same after it has been rotated,

Unit 1 Geometry Vocabulary



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