1) compares two unlike objects using "like" or "as" a) simile b) metaphor c) hyperbole 2) compares two unlike objects WITHOUT using "like" or "as" a) personification b) metaphor c) allusion 3) strong exaggeration to demonstrate a point a) alliteration b) idiom c) hyperbole 4) giving human-like qualities to non-human, inanimate objects a) personification b) simile c) onomatopoeia 5) words that are written the way they sound; sound words a) metaphor b) simile c) onomatopoeia 6) the repetition of a consonant sound in a line of text a) alliteration b) personification c) metaphor 7) words that mean something different than the literal meaning a) idiom b) allusion c) alliteration 8) reference to a "pop" culture idea, movie, person, song, game, TV show, character a) simile b) hyperbole c) allusion 9) simile a) I'm as quick as a bunny. b) I like ice cream. c) My face was stone. 10) metaphor a) My emotions were waves washing over me. b) Boom! Hiss! Pop! c) Mike Trout hit the ball to the moon! 11) hyperbole a) as blue as a sapphire b) I walked around my block. c) There's enough food here to feed an army! 12) personification a) The trees howled their displeasure as the wind blew through them. b) "We're not in Kansas anymore!" c) It was a windy day. 13) onomatopoeia a) The flowers rose to greet the morning sun. b) Crash! Bang! Splatter! Splash! c) Whales jumped out of the water. 14) alliteration a) Five funny foxes fell on flowers. b) The hills were giants in the background. c) When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 15) idiom a) A stitch in time saves nine. b) Kites crashed, kids cried. c) My bike is as wobbly as a newborn lamb. 16) allusion a) My mom was about to give me the Medusa look. b) Six soft kittens slept soundly. c) Poetry is fun!

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