What ARE you doING? (Pr. Cont), DO you PLAY any musical instruments? (Pr. S), HAVE you ever BEEN to another country? ( Pr. Perf.), How long HAVE you BEEN studyING English? ( Pr. Perf. Cont.), DID you WORK OUT yesterday? (P.S), What WERE you doING from 5 to 6 pm yesterday ( P. Cont), What HAD you DONE before going to bed yesterday? ( P. Perf), What HAD you BEEN doING before the lesson started? ( P. Perf. Cont), What WILL you DO tomorrow? ( F.S ), What WILL you be doING from 5 to 6 pm tomorrow? ( F. Cont.), What WILL you HAVE DONE by 6 pm tomorrow? (F. Perf.), What do you think you WILL HAVE BEEN doING this time next year? ( F. Perf. Cont).



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