God is ____, he is near and he hears us when we pray. God is ____, he made everything that we see! God is ____, he has a loving relationship that lasts forever with every believer. God is ____, we can trust Him to keep all of His promises. God is ____, he is kind to those who do not deserve it God is ____, he leads us in the way we should go. God is ____, he is set apart and perfect. God is ____, he does not change. God is ____, he saves people no matter what they have done. He saves people who are rich and poor, smart and not smart. God is ____, we cannot understand God’s thoughts and ways. God is ____, his decisions are always right- he is fair. God is ____, he does not give us what our sins deserve. God is ____, he knows everything- he is never surprised. God is ____, he is waiting for people to leave their sin and come to him. God is a ____, he has thoughts, a personality, and he communicates. God is ____, Jesus promised that no one can take you out of God’s hand, our salvation is secure. When we are his children, he will accomplish his purpose for us. God is ____, because He gave us His Son, we can trust Him to give us everything else we need. God is ____, he is right in all that he does. God is ____, he controls all things. God is ____, he is not just all-knowing, he knows exactly what to do in all situations.
BSF- Attributes of God
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