BREAD AND BUTTER - a basic means of support, the main source of income, HOT POTATO - an unpleasant situation, GRAVY TRAIN - used to refer to a situation in which someone can make a lot of money for very little effort., CUP OF TEA - something one likes or excels in/at, COOL AS CUCUMBER - relaxed, laid-back, FULL OF BEANS - full of energy (or full of shit), SOUPED UP - enhanced, more impressive, SELL LIKE HOT CAKES - sell a lot, SPILL THE BEANS - reveal secret information, TO BUTTER SOMEONE UP - to praise in order to get someone's support, TO BRING HOME THE BACON - to earn the money that is needed to live, IN A NUTSHELL - in a few words, to sum up, A HARD NUT TO CRACK - someone or something that is difficult to understand, APPLE OF ONE'S EYE - something or someone that one cherishes above all others, TO EGG SOMEBODY ON - to persuade to do something bad, TO TAKE SOMETHING WITH A PINCH/GRAIN OF SALT - to view something with skepticism or not to interpret something literally.,



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