1) What type of syllable is cave? a) closed b) v-c-e c) open 2) What is the "most helpful letter in the alphabet"? a) e b) a c) h 3) Select the v-c-e word that has s say /z/ rule. a) chose b) bugs c) base 4) What type of syllable is ham? a) v-c-e b) open c) closed 5) How many syllables is in the word compensate? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 6) How many syllables is in the word reptile? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 7) How should the syllables in distribute be divided? a) dis - tri - bute b) dis - trib - ute c) di - strib - ute 8) Which of the following words follows the u - mule - u rule? a) muse b) rule c) tune 9) Which of the following words has a v-c-e "rule breaker" (exception)? a) wildlife b) contemplate c) disruptive 10) Why does "E" help out "V" when it's at the end of the word? a) because v doesn't like being at the end and will cry b) because the vowel needs to "say its name" c) because "V" bosses "E" around

Wilson Book 4 Review


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