1) Where is the dog? . a) in  b) between c) under d) on e) behind f) in front of 2) Where is the man? a) on b) in c) next to  d) behind e) under f) between 3) Where is the cat? a) on b) between c) under d) next to e) in front of f) in 4) Where is the ball? It is _________ the box. a) on b) between c) next to  d) in e) under f) in front of 5) Where is the cat? a) next to b) between c) behind d) under e) in f) in front of 6) Where is the boy? a) behind b) under c) on d) in e) in front to f) next to 7) Where are the shoes? a) behind b) under c) between d) in front of e) next to f) on 8) Where is her finger? a) on b) in c) under d) behind e) next to f) in front of 9) Where are the people ? a) behind b) in front of c) between d) under e) on f) in 10) where is the phone? a) under b) in front of c) between d) behind e) on f) in 11) Where are the pillows? a) behind b) in front of c) between d) under e) on f) in 12) Where is the baby?  a) behind b) in front of c) between d) in e) on f) under

Under Spatial Concept



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