1) Protected by the first amendment a) freedom of speech and press b) right to bear arms c) no cruel or unusual punishment d) speedy trial 2) Right to bear arms a) 3rd amendment b) 2nd amendment c) 4th amendment d) 6th amendment 3) Protected by the 8th amendment a) no quartering or troops b) no unreasonable searches or seizures c) no double jeopardy d) no cruel or unusual punishment 4) The 4th amendment protects citizens in the U.S. from a) double jeopardy b) cruel and unusual punishment c) unreasonable searches and seizures d) quartering of troops 5) A citizen is asked to testify in court but refuses to answer. What amendment protects this right? a) 1st amendment b) 5th amendment c) 7th amendment d) 10th amendment 6) This amendment provides the basis for states rights a) 6th amendment b) 7th amendment c) 9th amendment d) 10th amendment 7) When you are asked to report for jury duty you are fulfilling a civic duty to ensure a speedy trial by jury occurs which is protected by what amendment? a) 4th amendment b) 5th amendment c) 6th amendment d) 8th amendment 8) The New Freedom group has decided to organize a rally in front of city hall to voice their opposition to the construction of a new monument. Which amendment protects these protesters? a) 1st amendment b) 3rd amendment c) 9th amendment d) 10th amendment 9) Which of the following is not protected by the 1st amendement? a) speech b) press c) assembly d) religion e) bear arms f) petition 10) Which of the following amendments was included in the Bill of Rights to address the colonial grievance towards the Quartering Act? a) 2nd amendment b) 3rd amendment c) 4th amendment d) 5th amendment

Bill of Rights


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