1) What is the name of the social structure in the Middle Ages? a) Feudalism b) Marxism c) Communism  2) What is another name for the Middle Ages? a) Middle Times b) Medieval Times c) Dark Times 3) Who is at the top of the social structure in Feudalism? a) Knights b) Serfs c) Kings 4) What do nobles pledge to the King? a) loyalty b) fief c) vassal 5) Who do Knights provide protection to? a) kingdoms b) empires c) continents 6) Serfs are also known as what class of people? a) kings b) nobles c) peasants 7) Which group makes up the largest portion of the population in the Middle Ages? a) Knights b) Serfs c) Nobles 8) Which group invaded Europe? a) Americans b) Vikings c) Canada 9) In the Middle Ages, schools closed, but which group still learned to read and write? a) Businessmen b) Traders c) Church Officials 10) King Charlemagne was also known as _______________________. a) Charles the Great b) King of All Time c) The Magnificent

Middle Ages Part 1: Feudalism, Charlemagne, and Castles


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