TEETH - Most people have 32 of them and use them to eat, STOMACH - The part of your body where food is digested afteryou've eaten it, EYES - When you cry or peel onions, they go red, MOUTH - When you sit down in the dentist's chair, the dentist asks you to open this, HAIR - It can be straight, wavy, or curly, KNEES - They're half way down your legs, NOSE - When you have a cold, it's sometimes difficult to breathe through it and you can't smell anything, TONGUE - A cat uses it to drink milk, TOES - There are five of these on each of your feet, CLAP - At the end of a concert, the audience does this to show they like what they've heard, SMILE - When you want to show you're happy, you do this, NOD - In most countries you do this if you want to agree with something someone says without speaking, SMELL - We usually do this to flowers when we are given them, TOUCH - In art galleries you mustn't do this to the paintings or sculptures, WHISTLE - You make this sound with your lips to attract someone's attention in the street, THROW - Basketball players move the ball to each other by doing this, TASTES - Food that has too much salt in it ____ horrible, EARS - We have two of these to hear, BACK - You should swim a lot if you have problems with this part of your body, STARE - It's a verb and it means to look at somebody or something for a long time,
New English File Intermediate 6B Vocabulary Revision
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New English File Upper-Intermediate
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