Students who use technology in a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions, Students use digital tools to find resources to construct knowledge, produce creative and meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others, Recognize rights and responsibilities of learning and living in a digital world, and act and model in safe, legal, and ethical ways, Students use technology to take active roles in choosing how they achieve their learning goals, Students who use digital tools to connect with other learners from different backgrounds and cultures to engage in mutual learning are:, Students who develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop solutions are:, Students who choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting desired objectives of creation or communication are:, Students who use Google Hangouts to discuss and explore local/global issues and their solutions are considered:, Alex decides to create a video tutorial and upload it to YouTube. This is an example of a(n), Jack refuses to save financial information on his school library computers. This is a good practice of being a, Mr. Smith is allowing his students to be Empowered Learners by letting them get into groups and forming their own learning environments to improve their learning on a project., Students need to learn how to find credible, relevance, and accurate information to become, Analyzing and collecting data with technology to problem solve and make decisions:, Thomas accepts all friend requests on Facebook, even though he doesn't know who they are. This is a bad example of a:, Students who break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving are:.

Spin The Wheel Review-ISTE Student Standards



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