Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement, Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year, Passover - God’s rescue of the Israelite slaves, Morality - Standards of right and wrong, Monotheism - Belief in only one God, The Mediterranean Sea - Large body of water in SW Asia that separates Turkey from Eqypt, Torah - Sacred Text: First 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, Polytheism - Belief in more than one God, Resurrection - The reason Christians celebrate Easter, missionaries - Christians that spread their faith all around the world, Trinity - The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost, Gospels - The accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus , Red Sea - It separates Egypt from Saudi Arabia, Makkah (Mecca) - Ancient place of worship on the Arabian Peninsula, Mahammad - A prophet or messenger of Allah or God, Muslims - Followers of Islam, Islam - The world's second largest religion., The Five Pillars - The most basic acts of worship: Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting and making a pilgrimage to Makkah., The Qur'an - The book of basic pillars, Eid al-fitr - A holiday to celebrate the end of Ramadan , Eid al-adha - A celebration of Abraham. Many families sacrifice animals like sheep and goats.,
Introduction to Southwest Asian Religions
6th Grade
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