Louisiana Purchase - 1803, France, 15 Million, Mormon Settlement in Salt Lake City, Utah - Religious Freedom, Gold Rush 1849 - Increase Chinese immigration, 49ers looked for gold, population boom in California, Florida Acquisition - 1819, Spain, Adams-Onis Treaty, 5 million, National Road - connected the east coast to Midwest, opened markets, environmental modifications, Rio Grande River - border dispute starting Mexican/American War, Pioneers - Traveled the Oregon Trail for economic reasons, Original 13 States - Declared independence in 1776 from Great Britain, Gadsden Purchase - 1853, Mexico, 10 million, completed Manifest Destiny,for a southern railroad, Oregon Territory - 1846, Britain, 49° parallel, Indian Territory - Oklahoma, Trail of Tears, Land acquired from Treaty of Paris 1783, Erie Canal - Irish, connected New York to the midwest, NYC becomes trade epicenter, Texas Annexation - 1845, Texas, Mexican Cession - 1848, Mexico, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 15 million, Mississippi River, Transcontinental Railroad - Connected the East to the West, lead to a migration westward.

Manifest Destiny



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