God’s image in us gives every person [a. the right to do as we please]or [b. worth and purpose]., We learned from Noah’s life that God proves He is trustworthy by keeping His _________?, We learned from the story of Adam and Eve that sin brought death, but God promised to send a Savior. Sending a Savior was [a. not planned] or [b. this was God’s perfect plan]., Because God gives His children the Holy Spirit, they [a. can follow whoever they want] or [b. recognize His voice and follow Him]., God’s people act on God’s promises by faith. True or False?, We learned from the life of Isaac that God’s promises cannot be undone. True or False, What is the purpose of your life? Hint: KLEG, Like Jacob, we may wrestle with God, but God loves His children enough to change us to be more like [a. Jacob] or [b. Jesus]?, God’s children are tempted to sin by their own sinful nature and by Satan, but God always listens when we ask Him to help us not to sin. True or False, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who _____ him, who have been called according to His ______”. Romans 8:28, We learned through the life of Joseph that God is [a. most of the time] or [b. always] in our suffering., Joseph’s brothers did not deserve for God to be kind to them, but God showed Joseph’s brothers grace and used their sinful actions to carry out His purposes for all their lives. True or False?, All people let someone else down at some point, but God never fails. God [a. sometimes] or [b. always] fulfills His words., “You intended to harm me, but God intended it ______ to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20.

BSF Level 3 Review Lessons 1-29 (Genesis)



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