1) People are the source of the government's power a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 2) We elect our representatives to represent the people a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 3) Power is shared between the state and the national government a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 4) Executive, Legislative, Judicial a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 5) Each of the 3 branches of government has a check on the other 2 branches a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Checks and Balances e) Limited Government f) Individual Rights 6) Each branch of government has power over the other brances. a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 7) Power is divided into the branches of government a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 8) Everybody including the government has to respect the laws a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Checks and Balances e) Limited Government f) Individual Rights 9) First 10 amendments to the Constitution a) Popular Sovereignty b) Bill of Rights c) Federalism d) Separation of Powers e) Checks and Balance f) Limited Government 10) Personal liberties that are guaranteed a) Popular Sovereignty b) Republicanism c) Federalism d) Checks and Balances e) Limited Government f) Individual Rights

Principles of the Constitution


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