ABILITY : I can speak English , I was able to speak German better. , I could jump higher when I was a kid. , OBLIGATION OR STRONG ADVICE: You must watch this film., I have to prepare for the lesson., POSSIBILITY : It might snow tomorrow., He may be her brother., He must be her brother., I could be late tomorrow., No, he can't be a thief! I know him!, NO PERMISSION : You mustn't talk to your mother like that., You may not leave your bags here., We couldn't stay out late when we were kids., ADVICE: You should eat healthily. , You had better go to bed early., You're supposed to eat a lot of fruit. , People ought to help each other., NOT NECESSARY : He doesn't have to come earlier., You don't have to come to work tomorrow., We don't need to bring food., He doesn't need to pay now., PAST POSSIBILITY: It might have snowed yesterday., He may have been home yesterday., He must have stolen your money., He could have been late. , He can't have stolen your money., CRITISIZING PAST ACTIONS : You shouldn't have eaten so much junk food. , You should have called your mother!, You ought to have talked to her about it!,
Modal verbs and modal phrases
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Ова табела је онемогућена пошто Вам се подешавања разликују од подешавања власника средства.
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