ASSERTIVE - If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more _________, OPTIMISM - There was a note of _________ in his voice as he spoke about the company's future., AMBITIOUS - She has some _________ plans for her business., SELF-CONFIDENCE - Despite his success, he still seems to lack _________ socially., STABLE - If the foundations of the house aren't _________ , collapse is possible., WELL-BALANCED - a _________ diet is important in order to be healthy., SELF-CONFIDENT - At school he was popular and _________, and we weren't surprised at his later success., ARROGANT - Her ___________ and smug manner made conversation unbearable., INSECURE - I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so _________., SELF-ESTEEM - Does he suffer from low _________?,




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