Workplace Relationships and Ethics - The student will leave Job Corps with the ability to productively interact with co-workers and deal with problems and situations with honesty, integrity and responsibility., Communications - The student will leave Job Corps with the ability to listen actively, follow directions and communicate with others to solve problems and accomplish tasks., Personal Growth and Development - The student will leave Job Corps with the personal skills, attributes and behaviors that foster confidence and drive for life-long growth., Interpersonal Skills - The student will leave Job Corps with the ability to get along with others and adjust to a variety of social and professional situations., Information Management - The student will leave Job Corps with the ability to interpret and evaluate data, organize and maintain information, and use technology to perform work., Multicultural Awareness - The student will leave Job Corps valuing diversity, practicing cultural sensitivity and able to work with people of different backgrounds and cultures., Career and Personal Planning - The student will leave Job Corps with a personal plan that outlines a step-by-step process for entering and advancing in a fulfilling career., Independent Living - The student will leave Job Corps capable of finding, managing and utilizing the resources needed to maintain employment, satisfy physical and emotional needs, and lead a productive life as an independent adult.,

Career Success Standards



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