1) What do you like doing in your free time? 2) Who was the last person that texted you? What did they say? 3) What was the last restaurant you have ordered from iFood? 4) Describe your house. 5) What's your favorite app? What cool accounts do you follow? 6) What was the last song/artist you listened to? What kind of music do you like? 7) When was the last time you traveled? Where did you go? 8) Are you reading/watching anything now? How do you like it? 9) Do you prefer staying home or going out on weekends? 10) Can you tell me how old you are? When is your birthday? 11) What countries would you like to go? 12) Do you have a pet? What's its name? Describe it physically. 13) Do you have brothers or sisters? What are their names? Are they older or younger? 14) What's your last name? Do you know its origin? 15) What are your favorite colors? 16) What animals are you afraid of?

Conversation Wheel - Pre Intermediate



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