center-based care - Caring for the child in a center outside of the home., child care center - full day child care facilities that focus on basic nutritional, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs, family child care - child care that is provided in a private home, Head Start - A program funded by the federal government and designed to prepare children to start school; provides locally run child care to lower-income and disadvantaged children from birth to five years old, home-based care - Caring for a child in the home, Montessori - A group program that encourages young children to learn independently through the use of highly specialized materials, stay-at-home parent - A parent who works at home taking care of the children, university-sponsored/laboratory school - A child care program on a university campus or at a high school where students work and observe as part of their class work, Accredited  - Having a certification that states a set of standards has been met, Checking-in services - program assigning workers to call children in self-care to make sure there are no problems, Child care license - a state provided certification granting permission to open and operate a child care center or family child care home, Custodial care - type of child care that focuses primarily on meeting the childs physical needs, School age child care program - often sponsored by schools, houses of worship, or child care centers that provide care for children before/after school, Universal pre kindergarten - state sponsored program designed to introduce 3 and 4 yo children to a literary rich environment,

Types of Childcare Programs



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