laid-back - relaxed and easy-going, self-assured - confident in one's own abilities or character, impulsive - acting suddenly without any planning and much thought, goal-oriented - focused on achieving a particular aim or result, competitive - wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people, quick-tempered - easily made angry, self-centred - preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs, imaginative/creative - having or showing creativity or inventiveness, composed - having one's feelings and expression under control, determined - having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it, outgoing - sociable; eager to mix socially with others, grumpy - in a bad mood, manipulative - good at influencing other people do what they want, introverted - shy or reserved, opinionated - stubborn, witty - showing or quick verbal humor, loyal - faithful to one's country, a person, or an idea, arrogant - too proud (negative), straightforward - direct and clear, open-minded - Willing to accept new ideas, sarcastic - given to or expressing sarcasm, proactive - Seeking to solve a problem before it occurs,
Personality traits B2
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