1) How did mercantilism contribute to the American Revolution? a) allowed slavery in the Middle Colonies b) required colonist to enlist in the military c) limited farmland d) prevented colonist from trading with other countries 2) What was the effect of the Stamp Act? a) Colonist asked France for aid. b) Colonist organized boycotts. c) Colonist signed the Declaration of Independence d) Colonist dumped tea into Boston Harbor 3) What was the primary reason Parliament passed the Sugar, Stamp, and Townshend Acts? a) to grow cottage industries in the colonies b) to encourage foreign trade c) to recover the cost(debt) of defending the colonies d) to fund the new colonies 4) The Proclamation of 1763 angered the colonist because they were not allowed to cross- a) Appalachian Mountains b) Mississippi River c) Gulf of Mexico d) Lake Michigan 5) Why did England pass the Intolerable/Coercive Acts? a) to punish the colonist for dumping tea into Boston Harbor b) to end the French and Indian War c) to protest mercantilism 6) What does the phrase "taxation without representation" mean? a) The colonist were forced to quarter British soldiers. b) The colonist participated in fur trade. c) The colonist were forced to pay taxes without being represented in Parliament. d) The colonist signed the Treaty of Paris. 7) The Sons of Liberty were a group of patriots organized by: a) George Washington b) Samuel Adams c) Ben Franklin d) Crispus Attucks 8) The Townshend Act placed a tax on - a) everything (paper, paint, tea, glass) b) written materials c) sugar d) tea 9) The Boston Massacre can be described as - a) the event in which 500 colonist were killed b) the event in which 5 colonist were killed c) the event in which 5 British soldiers were killed 10) Who was the first person to die at the Boston Massacre? a) Ben Frankin b) Sam Adams c) Crispus Attucks 11) Samuel Adams organized the Committees of Correspondence - a) that created a self government b) kept the colonies informed c) closed the Boston Port 12) The Tea Act of 1773 taxed the colonist for tea and colonist were forced - a) to buy tea from East India Tea Company only b) drink the tea c) bake cookies with the tea d) to buy tea from anyone 13) The Boston Tea Party was organized by the Sons of Liberty and is described as -  a) first battle of the American Revolution b) treaty that ended the war c) newspaper that kept the colonist informed d) an act of civil disobedience 14) The colonist met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to discuss their next plan of action. This was called - a) The First Continental Congress b) Lexington and Concord c) religious freedom d) The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 15) What does the word "boycott" mean? a) taxes b) loyal c) do not buy d) buy everything 16) If you were a LOYALIST, then you were - a) a colonist who wanted independence b) a colonist who was loyal to England 17) If you were a PATRIOT, then you were -  a) a colonist who wanted independence b) a colonist who was loyal to England 18) What does the word "repealed" mean? a) initiate b) forcast c) content d) cancel 19) The American Revolution was fought between - a) France and Spain b) Spain and Mexico c) 13 Colonies and England d) England and France 20) What does the word "intolerable" mean? a) cannot tolerate b) can tolerate c) cancel d) taxes

Causes of the American Revolution


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