1) Identify the sentence where the commas are correctly placed. a) India China, Thailand and Pakistan are situated in Asia. b) Victor brings a destructive, menacing creature to life. c) Macbeth, is a brave, ambitious soldier.  2) Identify the sentence where the commas are correctly placed. a) Mussolini ruled Italy, but he was overthrown in 1943. b) Magwitch, is a criminal, yet Pip feels sorry for him. c) some Christians pray to saints but not all do. 3) Identify the sentence where the commas are correctly placed. a) The Torah, the Jewish holy book gives followers advice about how to live. b) Winston Churchill a British Prime Minister, was succeeded by Clement Attlee. c) The Rhone Glacier, situated in the Swiss Alps, is about 7.8 km long. 4) Identify the sentence where the commas are correctly placed. a) Benvolio, Romeo's cousin tries to cheer Romeo up. b) Trevor Huddleston, an English Bishop, campaigned against apartheid. c) Animal Farm, a short novel, was published, in 1945. 5) Identify the sentence where the commas are correctly placed. a) Before you write an essay, you need to write a rough plan. b) Although the allies won World War One there was little celebration. c) If you have time go back, and check your work.


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