adolescence - the period of time in someone's life between being a child and an adult, privacy - the state of being alone so that people cannot see or hear what you are doing, resent - to feel angry and upset about a situation or about something that someone has done, adolescent - a young person who is between being a child and an adult, duty - something you must do because it is morally or legally right, a sense of loss - sadness because someone has died or left, reject - to not give someone the love or attention they were expecting, behave - to do or say things in a particular way, to affect - to influence someone or something, or cause them to change, effect - a change, reaction, or result that is caused by something, concern - a feeling of worry about something, or the thing that is worrying you, stick to - to continue doing or using something and not change to anything else, distrust - a feeling of not trusting someone or something,

1F Solutions Intermediate. Definitions.



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