Internet - A huge, interconnected network of networks that includes nodes, LANs, WANs, bridges, routers, and multiple levels of ISPs , IP Address - The 32-bit binary address that the Internet uses to identify a given host computer, Packet - An information block with a fixed maximum size that is transmitted through the network as a single unit, Local Area Network (LAN) - A network that connects hardware devices such as computers, printers, and storage devices, Bandwidth - Capacity for transmitting data, Transport Protocol Layer - Protocols that create a program-to-program delivery service,, Node - An individual computer on a network; also called host, Firewall - A software component that controls access from a network to a computer system, World Wide Web (WWW) - he hypertext information system developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in the late 1980s, Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - A symbolic string that identifies a Web page, Acknowledgement Message (ACK) - network control message that says that your message correctly arrived at its destination, Port Number - A numeric identification of a program running on a host computer., Domain Name System (DNS) - Converts from a symbolic host name such as to its 32-bit IP address, Transport Control Protocol (TCP) - The primary transport protocol on the Internet, HTTP - The protocol used by the World Wide Web to transfer pages of information, Internet Service Provider (ISP) - A business whose purpose is to provide access from a private network, Broadband - Any communication link with a transmission rate exceeding 256,000 bps, Ethernet - 10 Mbps using coaxial cable, Gigabyte Ethernet Standard - 1,000 Mbps (1 Gpbs), SPAM - Electronic junk mail, TCP/IP - The name of the specific protocol stack used in the Internet, IEEE - Society responsible for developing industrial standards in the telecommunications, Protocol - Rules for transferring information,
Chapter 7 Networking
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