He considered studying special education but ____ the following spring. Learn the basics first, which is what any expert who ____ will tell you. It will be hard at first, but if you ____, it will become easier. Many studies have also found that Americans eventually ____ friends. She really ____ and she finds out information way ahead of the the trend. In the rush of modern life, we tend to ____ the peace that is available in each moment. 'I'm determined to ____ because I really enjoy my work,' says Lesley. The resourceful filmmakers ____ every opportunity they were given. Being proactive means ____ and anticipating questions. When I left Alaska to study at Azusa Pacific University in California, I ____ Spanish from participating in their famous Mexicali crusades. Here are some handy tips to ____ your rest time. Start where you are right now and ____. Determination is a key for success, be determined and do not ____ until you win. The message should be clear: it's always wise to ____, not just respond to impulses. Certain drop-outs become apprentices in workshops, ____ skills like plumbing or motor repair. It is the effort you make to ____ that counts more than the absolute result. New cloud options are making it easier to ____ existing resources.

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