1) Which of the following is the most efficient? a) A light bulb b) An energy saving bulb c) A candle 2) The units of efficiency are a) Joules b) Millijoules c) Amps d) Volts e) % 3) If a device is 100% efficient then a) It wastes 100% of the energy going into it. b) It wastes none of the energy going into it. c) It is expensive 4) Which of the following is the correct equation to calculate efficiency? a) Useful energy / wasted energy X 100 b) Useful energy / total energy in X 100 c) Wasted energy / total energy in X100 d) Total energy X100 5) Does this sankey diagram represent a normal light bulb or an energy efficient one? a) Normal b) Energy efficient 6) What is the efficiency of this light bulb? a) 1% b) 10% c) 100% d) 5% 7) What represents the amount of energy in a sankey diagram? a) The length of the arrow b) The width of the arrow 8) If electrical =130J light = 5J & thermal =100J, How many joules are in the sound energy store? a) 5J b) 10J c) 25J d) 35J e) 100J 9) What is the efficiency of this example where 300J of energy is wasted? a) 7% b) 70% c) 77% d) 700% 10) When one store of energy is changed into another, we call this... a) Energy storage b) Energy conversion c) Energy joulage d) Energy transfer

Sankey diagrams and efficiency


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