1) What is the feeling? a) Happy b) Sad c) Angry d) Disappointed e) Proud f) Silly 2) What is the feeling? a) Happy b) Sad c) Angry d) Disappointed e) Proud f) Silly 3) What is the feeling? a) Happy b) Sad c) Bored d) Disappointed e) Proud f) Silly 4) What is the feeling? a) Happy b) Sad c) Angry d) Disapointed e) Proud f) Counfused 5) What is the feeling? a) Confused b) Selfish c) Scared d) Bored e) Proud f) Nervous  6) What is the feeling? a) Bored b) Selfish c) Scared d) Confused e) Proud f) Nervous

Guessing the Feelings



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