As Josie is coming in the classroom she almost trips and falls. Everyone starts laughing at her and Rachel points and laughs calling her "clumsy and awkward". Rachel asks others to join in as Josie puts her head down on her desk., Brad and Charlie are eating lunch. Brad bought an ice cream to eat after he finishes his lunch. Charlie asks Brad to buy him an ice cream, but Brad says he doesn't have any more money. Charlie gets mad, folds his arms and ignores Brad for the rest of lunch., Kari and Jade ask Shelby to send a text messages to another girl to tell her that people around school are talking about her. Shelby refused. Kari and Jade said that if she didn't do it, they would tell everyone that Shelby was the one spreading the rumors. , The class is waiting for the teacher to come back into the classroom and Max and Sarah start chasing each other. They accidentally knock a lamp off the teacher's desk and break it. They ask the whole class not to tell on them and if they don't they will bring everyone candy tomorrow., Girls are meeting at the movie theater to watch a new movie. Nina and Becca went inside and sat down in their seats. Laila and Maddie asked them to go see another movie that was for older kids. Nina and Becca told them no, but Laila and Maddie said they will be BFFs for life if they come with them..

Peer Pressure


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