Contra-indication - A condition that would restrict or prevent the way in which a service is carried out., Contra-action - An undesirable effect as a result of the treatment/service, Verbal communication - Speaking, manner, tone of voice, open and closed questions, Non-verbal communication - Eye contact, body language, listening, facial expressions, Foundation - Creates an even skin tone, brightens the skin, helps protect the skin and provides a base for other products, Tinted moisturiser - Smoothes out skin tone and hydrates the skin, Concealer - Covers blemishes, pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes, brightens and corrects, Face powders - Applied on top of foundation and sets the makeup to ensure longevity, Highlighter - Lighter than skin tone, enlarges, brings forward, draws attention to..., Shader/contour - Darker than the skin tone, used to hide, reduce the size of and disguise flaws, Bronzer - Gives a sun kissed look to the skin, Blusher - Adds warmth and depth to the skin, Natural daylight - Shows makeup's true colour, the best light for makeup application, Fluorescent light - Makes colours appear cold, Incandescent light - Gives a yellow colour, dulls blue tones and makes red tones appear darker, Eyebrow products - Define and darken eyebrows, Eyeshadow - Draws attention to the eyes and enhances natural eye shape and colour, Eyeliners - Help accentuate the eye, Mascara - Enhances natural lashes, making them appear longer, darker and thicker, Lip liner - Gives definition to lips, Lipstick - Accentuates lips and gives colour to the face, Lip gloss - Can be used on its own or over lipstick to add shine, Fixing products - Preserves makeup for longer periods of time, Aftercare - Advice that clients should follow directly after a service in order to look after/prolong the effects and prevent contra-actions, Homecare - Advice that a client should do at home, to maintain the effects of their service (good advice to follow on a daily basis, for life), Retail advice - Mentions specific products you recommend to your client, links to homecare advice, Future service recommendations - When to return for next service and what to have next time, Lifestyle advice - Advice about lifestyle choices that would help your client/model, False lashes - Enhance overall look of makeup and client and complement the chosen theme, Sanitise - Reduce pathogens on non-porous surfaces, Antiseptics - Applied to the skin to reduce pathogens, Disinfection - Destruction of most disease causing pathogens, Sterilisation - Destruction of all disease causing pathogens, Health - A state of wellbeing, Safety - The absence of risks, Workplace - Any area or building where people work, HSE - The body that regulates H&S and enforces authority, Accident - An unplanned and uncontrolled event with the potential to cause injury, Hazard - Something with the potential to cause harm, Risk - The likelihood that a hazard will cause harm, PPE - Personal protective equipment, Health and safety policy - A document outlining an employer's policy and commitment to health and safety, RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations, COSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health,

Makeup: Key words matching activity



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