solid - has atoms that vibrate in place and keep their shape, liquid - has atoms that flow and take the shape of their container, gas - has atoms that move rapidly and fill up whatever container that they are in, melting - going from a solid to a liquid when heat is added, freezing / solidification - going from a liquid to a solid when heat is removed, evaporation - going from a liquid to a gas at normal room temperature, vaporization / boiling - going from a liquid to a gas rapidly when heat is added, sublimation - going from a solid to a gas (dry ice), deposition / frost - going from a gas directly to a solid, heat energy - energy that is added or taken away from matter that causes the state of matter to change, Celsius - the metric unit of temperature, water (H2O) - one of the only kinds of matter that exists naturally as a solid, liquid, and a gas on earth, melting point - the temperature that a solid turns into a liquid, freezing point - the temperature that a liquid turns into a solid, boiling point - the temperature that a liquid turns into a gas, humidity - the measure of the amount of moisture in the air, dew point - the temperature that a gas condenses on surfaces, condensation - when you take heat away from humid air and water drops form on sufaces, absolute zero - the coldest temperature that you can get in theory all matter stops moving, plasma - the 4th state of matter that is hotter than gas,
States of Matter and Phase Changes
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