1) If the area of the rectangle is 30 squared cm, what could it's length and width be? a) 6cm by 3cm b) 12cm by 4cm c) 5cm by 6cm d) 7 cm by 5cm 2) If the area of a rectangle is 36 squared cm, what could it's measurements be? a) 5cm by 8cm b) 9cm by 4cm c) 10cm by 6cm d) 6cm by 7cm 3) Area of rectangle = 24 squared cm, length is 6cm, what is the width? a) 4cm b) 5cm c) 6cm d) 3cm 4) Area of rectangle = 100 squared cm, width = 4cm, what is the length? a) 12cm b) 15cm c) 20cm d) 25cm 5) If the base of a right angled triangle is 4cm, the vertical side is 3cm and the hypotenuse is 5cm, what is the area a) You can't work it out b) 24 square cm c) 6 square cm d) 12 square cm 6) The area of a parallelogram is calculated by a) Multiplying the base x the perpendicular height and then dividing by 2 b) Multiplying the base by one of the diagonal sides c) Adding the lengths of all of the sides together d) Multiplying the base by the perpendicular height 7) How else can you calculate the area of a parallelogram - tick all the correct answers a) Split it into two triangles which are the same and add the areas together b) Split it into triangles and rectangles and add the areas together c) Box the shape in, work ut the whole area and then take away the triangles outside the shape d) All of the above 8) How do you calculate the area of a trapezium ? a) Base x Perpendicular height b) Length x width c) Average of the parallel sides divided by 2 d) Average of the parallel sides x the perpendicular height 9) A house is in the shape of a square with an isosceles triangular roof on top. The house is 11m wide, and the roof is 4m at it's heighest point. What is the area of the side view of the house a) 44 square metres b) 96 square metres c) 143 square metres d) 222 square metres 10) I have 2 pairs of equal sides, and 2 pairs of equal angles. Two of my angles are obtuse, and 2 are acute. What shape am I ? a) Rhombus b) Rectangle c) Isosceles triangle d) Parallelogram


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