1) Did Minnie apologize to her friend?  2 2) Macie has a huge cage for her tiny pet mice. 2 3) 3. We have to replace all of the lost pencils. 1* 4) Please be silent so I can concentrate. 2 5) All the kids except Cindy like to ice skate. 2* 6) Please be gentle with the tiny kitten.  1* 7) Add 5 points to your score! 8) Which guinea pig do you think will win the bicycle race? 3 9) There is a chance that the softball game will get canceled.  2* 10) The pigs are ready for their dance performance. 3 11) We could not decide which magic trick was the most impressive. 3 12) Sorry- No points here. But you do get to see a cute pig! 13) Macie suggested that we decorate the gingerbread house with candy canes and spicy gumdrops. 4 14) Can you balance a soccer ball on your head? 2* 15) Should they be driving without a license? 1*

"Gentle Cindy" Sentences for Macie


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