1) Last week, Brutus the dog bravely attacked a snake to protect a child. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 2) 15% of youth report that they do no physical activity at all. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 3) Sarah knows first hand the effect that puppies can have on one's stress level. That's why she started Pups for Peace.  a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 4) The average person will shed roughly 112 pounds of skin in their lifetime. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 5) Roughly 250,000 deaths are caused by medical error each year. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 6) On average, there are 17,000,000 vacant homes at any time in the US. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 7) Twenty percent of children report hearing voices a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 8) Less than 10% of U.S. adults eat enough vegetables. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 9) After Dale Beatty lost his legs in the war, his community built him a home. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 10) 4 out of 5 dentists recommend chewing sugarless gum a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 11) Debaters were 85% more likely to get straight A's than non-debaters a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 12) My mom got pulled over for speeding when she wasn't even over the speed limit. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 13) An employee of Delta got fired after she complained about the airline on her Facebook page. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 14) The average cellphone has 10 times more bacteria on it than a public restroom. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 15) I know someone who smoked for decades, and it never produced any significant illness. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 16) Over 1 billion people have been served at McDonalds. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 17) More than 80 million bacteria are exchanged in a single kiss a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 18) 57% of women in the United States voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 19) I took this supplement and lost a lot of weight! This pill must work! a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 20) Stephanie was a math teacher who used her skills to save a life. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal 21) Madi was a healthy athlete before she spent 3 months in the hospital with the flu. a) Statistical b) Anecdotal

"Fly the Airplane" Statistical vs Anecdotal Evidence



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