Emotional/Mental: Mood swings - you feel great one minute, and then really sad or angry the next, Intense feelings, Have thoughts of "who am I" - thinking about your own identity and try to define yourself as a person, Might have a hard time making up your mind/feel unsure a lot, Increased ability to understand abstract concepts, Physical: Growth spurt, Breast development, Weight gain, Grow hair under arms, on legs, around genitals, Get acne, Hair texture may change, Voice deepens, Menstruation , Voice cracks, Muscle growth, Increased body odor, Social: More interested in being with friends, May have more conflict with parents, May change friend groups or seek out new friends, May start to be interested in others as more than friends, May experience pressure from peers to fit in, May want to try more and riskier things, May sometimes feel self-conscious around others,
Changes of Puberty (Physical, Mental/Emotional, & Social)
Health Ed
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