You can go home on the afternoon, The President of the US will visit on Ukraine next month, You can say for me, 10 people was injured, When the police catched him, I have vacation for Monday, I couldn’t did it in the internet, They very like shout on people, Sometimes it's important to do mistakes, I catched a cold, If I won’t have temperature, I will go to work, He have a huge experience, Maybe you hear about this news recently, The news are really shocking, I try to don’t repeat these mistakes, This book wrote counselor, We wanted to made a video, We arrived to Kharkiv, Another soldiers didn't want talk, They afraid to talk , she will has 91 this year, we all time thinking about video, as for me, better be a master of one skill, people can GET very quickly tired , We started prepare for the interview.

Mistakes. Final lesson



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