What do you do when (if)  you forget your shopping list at home (and don’t remember what to buy)?, What WILL you do if a beggar asks for money?, What do you do if your teacher forgets to give homework?, What do you do if you have a bad mood?, What WILL happen if you leave your house unlocked?, What WILL happen if we have a quarantine till autumn?, What do you do if your dog barks loudly at night? (Imagine, you have a dog =) , What WILL you do if you get a message from the person you don’t know?, What WILL you do if you find money in the street?, What WILL you do if a teacher cancels the lesson?, What WILL you do if a stranger in the street tries to steal your bag, What WILL happen if you forget your phone in a taxi?.

ZERO / FIRST conditional (conversational practice)



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