1) The pushes and pulls which act on our bodies and the things around us to make things move and stop moving. a) forces b) non-contact forces c) magnet d) pull/pulling 2) The matter or substance that objects are made from. Different materials have different features, or properties, which make them suitable for different uses. a) gravity b) magnetic force c) materials d) contact forces 3) Any action moving an object away from you. a) repel b) push/pushing c) air resistance d) friction 4) Any action moving an object towards you. a) pull/pulling b) poles c) forces d) contact forces 5) A 'sticking' force – the resistance that a surface or object encounters when moving over another surface or object. E.g. Air resistance, water resistance and surface resistance. a) air resistance b) poles c) friction d) attract 6) An object that has a magnetic field (an invisible pattern of magnetism) and can attracts or repels other items. a) magnet b) attract c) friction d) forces 7) Magnets have 2 of those - a north and a south one. a) attract b) poles c) friction d) air resistance 8) When a magnet pulls objects towards it. a) attract b) gravity c) push/pushing d) pull/pulling 9) When a magnet pulls objects away from it. a) materials b) magnetic force c) poles d) repel 10) A force that must directly touch another object to affect it. a) magnet b) forces c) contact forces d) pull/pulling 11) A force that affects something at a distance e.g. gravity or magnetism. a) magnetic force b) non-contact forces c) attract d) forces 12) The force that attracts an object towards the center of the earth a) gravity b) magnetic force c) contact forces d) push/pushing 13) A force that acts in the opposite direction of moving objects. a) poles b) gravity c) air resistance d) materials

Forces & Magnets vocabulary Year 3


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