Grumio was preparing DINNER in the kitchen.Grumio in culina ____ parabat. Quintus offered food TO METELLA.Quintus ____ cibum obtulit. The slaves handed over discuses TO THE CITIZENS.servi ____ discos tradiderunt. Metella is buying a toga for Quintus.Metella ____ togam emit. The boys greeted the girls in the forum.pueri ____ in foro salutaverunt. Quintus was searching for flowers for his mother.Quintus suae ____ flores quaerebat. Many merchants sold food to the Pompeiians.multi mercatores Pompeiianis ____ vendiderunt. Caecilius is telling a story to the bankers.Caecilius ____ fabulam narrat. The athletes were exercising in the palaestra.____ in palaestra exercebant. Caecilius gave money to the merchant.Caecilius ____ pecuniam dedit.

Stage 9 Complete the Sentence: Nouns


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