adjective - a word that describes a noun or a pronoun, adverb - a word that describes a verb, adjective, another adverb, time or place, antonym - a word that has the opposite meaning of another word, apostrophe - symbol that takes the place of missing letters or shows possession, biography - story of a person's life, character trait - a character's pattern of action or speech, conflict - a problem in a story that a character must solve, compound word - two stand alone words that together form a new word, contraction - a word that has an apostrophe to show the letters that have been taken out, dialogue - the words that characters say , effect - what happens as the result of a cause, fiction - type of writing that is made up by the author, genre - a type or style of writing, inference - an educated guess based on the text and the readers prior knowledge, key word - an important word to the text, main idea - what a passage is mostly about, metaphor - compares two things without using the word like or as, narrative - story, text feature - part of a text that helps readers better understand what they are reading (i.e. caption, illustration, bold words, glossary, headings, titles), verb tense - a form of a verb that tells when something takes place; past, present, or future, plot - series of events that occur within the story, stanza - block of text in a poem that uses lines instead of sentences; similar to a paragraph, summary - a short retelling of a passage that tells of the main idea and important supporting details, possessive - words that show ownership, verb - the action in a sentence, pronoun - word that replaces a noun; I, you, he, she, it, we, they, proper noun - words that name a specific person, place, or thing, quotation marks - punctuation marks that show when someone is speaking, setting - when and where a story takes place, synonym - a word that means the same or almost the same as another word,
TCAP Prep Vocab Practice
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