a golden handshake  - usually large payment made to people when they leave their job, either when their employer has asked them to leave or when they are leaving at the end of their working life, as a reward for very long or good service in their job, cut their teeth - Get one's first experience by doing, or learn early in life, a mixed blessing - something that has advantages and disadvantages, dog-eat-dog - used to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if what they do harms other people, snapped up - to immediately offer someone a job or position because you want them very much, a track record - all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past, minset - a person's way of thinking and their opinions, the jury`s still out  - people do not yet know the answer or have not yet decided if it is good or bad, a quantum leap  - a great improvement or important development in something, quick fixes - something that seems to be a fast and easy solution to a problem but is in fact not very good or will not last long, keep their heads down - to avoid trouble,

The World of Work



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