1 He had some cuts and bruises. <> I bruised my knee. <> I twisted my ankle.(5): it won't keep you off your feet for too long, can limp around for a bit, with cuts, you can still go about your daily life, you just need some bandages and time, that's more of a temporary discomfort, 2 I tore my knee ligaments. <> He broke his leg. <> I broke my ankle. (4): you're talking potential surgery and a real pain in the knee for a while, it takes forever/ages to heal. Plus, the pain must be intense., you're looking at a long stint in a cast and on crutches, can't walk properly, and rehab takes ages, 3 She knocked herself out. <> She banged her head. <> She lost consciousness. (5): might mean a concussion or something, Banging your head hurts, but it's not as scary, you're conscious and can seek help if needed, can come back from passing out, a momentary blackout, 4 He lost an arm. (3): is a major loss, no doubt, than not have a life at all, life-changing, but at least you're still alive to adapt, 5 She drowned. <> He was killed. (5): is a life-or-death situation, the ultimate worst-case scenario, going underwater, there's no coming back from that, It's life-threatening and just thinking about it gives me the shivers,
Outcomes Upper Unit 5 "Injuries and accidents"
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