1.What are you wearing today? Where did you get your favorite piece of clothing?, 2. Do you usually dress casually or formally?, 3. Do you prefer conservative, shabby, or trendy clothes? Why?, 4. Do you find dressing for work a chore, a choice, or a pleasure? Why?, 5. When picking clothes, are you drawn to certain colors? Which?, 6. How often do you shop for clothes? Do you have a favorite day or time?, 7. Do you like to window shop for clothes? Where do you go?, 8. Can you suggest stores that sell quality clothes at reasonable prices?, 9. Are clothing styles, or stores, different in different countries? How?, 10. Do you have a favorite outfit? Where do you go in it?, 11. How do you accessorize? Do you have a favorite accessory?, 12. Is there a traditional dress in your native country? Can you describe it?, 13. How often do you get dressed up? For what occasions?, 15. Do people in your native country tend to dress more conservatively or more showy?, 16. Have you ever worn a uniform for work or school? Can you describe it?, 18. Whom do you think of as being fashionable or chic? Why?, 1. Which materials do you prefer to wear?, 2. Are you allergic to any materials?, 3. Do you sew? Have you patched jeans or other clothes?, 4. What do you do with old clothes? Do you give them away? Sell them at a garage sale?, 5. Can you describe some clothes that would clash?, What is a fashion faux pas?, 6. What type of clothes, jewelry, or furniture do you find tacky? Shabby? Ugly?, 7. If you were the “fashion police,” what would you get rid of? Why?, 8. Who are some fashion icons? Can you think of some “fashion forward” people?, 9. Do you have a favorite fashion designer? Why?, 10. What is the difference between style and fashion?, 11. Have you ever felt that fashion was a despot or tyrant? How?, 12. Who taught you how to dress? Who was your role model? Why?, 14. Do your children/parents/friends dress differently from you? How?, 15. What do you usually notice about clothes? What catches your eye?, 16. Is there anything you don’t allow your children to wear? What? Why?, 17. Who do you consider the best-dressed celebrity? The worst? Why?, 18. Should people be allowed to wear whatever they want whenever they want? Why or why not?, 19. Can you share your five best fashion tips with me?.
Clothes and Fashion. Speaking
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