agree - OK, I like your idea, let’s go to that new cafe, promise - Don’t worry, I’ll help you with your project, offer - I can explain this rule to you, if you want, refuse - No, I won’t lend you any money, advise - You should try the new sports centre., ask - Buy some milk on your way home, please, encourage - You are so clever, you should definitely apply for this job!, remind - Don’t forget to top up your phone!, beg - Please, please don’t tell the teacher that I cheated!, persuade - This program is good because: 1. It’s very interesting, 2. It’s not expensive and 3. The timetable is convenient. You should choose it, deny - No, I didn’t take your pen, suggest - Let’s go to the cinema!, admit - Yes, it was me, I took your pen, insist - You have to do your homework, there is no other was, apologise - I’m sorry I took your pen, accuse - You took my pen!, blame - I think it was his fault that he didn’t pass the exam, thank - You helped me so much with this project, thanks a lot!, warn - Running near the swimming pool is dangerous!,
Solutions Intermediate 8E Reporting verbs
Solutions Intermediate
Reported Speech
Уреди садржај
Прикажи више
Прикажи мање
Ова табела је тренутно приватна. Кликните на
да бисте је објавили.
Приступ табели је онемогућио власник средства.
Ова табела је онемогућена пошто Вам се подешавања разликују од подешавања власника средства.
Врати подешавања
је отворени шаблон. Он не генерише резултате за табелу рангирања.
Пријава је обавезна
Визуелни стил
Потребна је претплата
Промени шаблон
Прикажи све
Више формата ће се појавити током играња активности.
Отворени резултати
Копирај везу
QР кôд
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