1) What is it? a) A menu b) A barbecue c) A waiter 2) What is he? a) A waiter b) A waitress c) A menu 3) What is she? a) A waiter b) A costumer c) A waitress 4) What is it? a) A dessert b) A salad c) A main course 5) They're customers. a) b) c) 6) What's the verb? a) pick up b) burn c) go out 7) What's the verb? a) pick up b) burn c) go out 8) What's the verb? a) pick up b) burn c) go out 9) She's a) busy b) lazy c) worried 10) What's your favourite main course? a) Chicken and salad b) Fish and rice c) Meat and vegetables

Waiter at the cafe



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