rewarding - (of an activity, etc.) worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important, stimulating - full of interesting or exciting ideas; making people feel enthusiastic, Originality - the quality of being new and interesting in a way that is different from anything that has existed before, Creativity - the use of skill and imagination to produce something new or to produce art, Come up with - to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc., No two days are the same - Unusual, client contact - to communicate with a client, hands-on experience - doing something rather than just talking about it, hit off with smb - (informal) to have a good friendly relationship with somebody, get on well with smb - to be friendly with smb, rapport with smb or between A and B - a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well, put ideas into practice - to realise ideas; to implement them practically, sense of achievement - the fact that you did something and attained it, to be chained to a desk - to work at office at computer, admin(informal) or administration - the administration of a business, organization, etc.; the department in a company that does this, to be snowed under (with smth) - to have more things, especially work, than you feel able to deal with, red tape - (disapproving) official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from being done quickly, perk - something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job, breathe smb's neck - (informal) to watch closely what somebody is doing in a way that makes them feel anxious and/or annoyed, commute from A to B, between A and B - to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home , to work from home - to work remotely, to work long hours - to work till evening,
Advanced Bussiness Collocations in Use, Unit 1
Іноземні мови
Bussiness Vocabulary
Уреди садржај
Прикажи више
Прикажи мање
Ова табела је тренутно приватна. Кликните на
да бисте је објавили.
Приступ табели је онемогућио власник средства.
Ова табела је онемогућена пошто Вам се подешавања разликују од подешавања власника средства.
Врати подешавања
је отворени шаблон. Он не генерише резултате за табелу рангирања.
Пријава је обавезна
Визуелни стил
Потребна је претплата
Промени шаблон
Прикажи све
Више формата ће се појавити током играња активности.
Отворени резултати
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