Lina - Doon's BFF, Instructions - What the builders left the city (Poppy chewed it up), Doon - Yelled at the mayor because of his job, Clary - Greenhouse worker, Murdo - Lina and Poppy's new care taker, Ember - Where the story takes place, Poppy - Lina's sister, Granny - Died because of an illness , Mayor - Betrayed the whole city, Lizzie - Lina's "friend" who is dating Luper, Sadge - Man who went into the Unknown Regions , Blakcout - When all the lights go out, Boats - The big things that Doon and Lina found in the dark room, Matches - Things that made the fire go, Candles - Portable fire, Guard - Caught Lina and took her to the Mayor, Yarn - What Lina's grandmother sold, Fantasy - The type of book this is , Apartment - Where Lina Lives, Red - The color of the messenger coats , River - What Doon, Lina, and Poppy travel on to get to the new city, Note - What Doon and Lina sent to Ember from the new city, Plum - The purple fruit that Doon, Lina, and Poppy ate after seeing the animal eating it,
Book club
5th Grade
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