Impact of Whiskey Rebellion - Washington called up the militia which demonstrated the strength of the national government, Hamilton’s Financial Plan - Create a national, bank, pay the debt, tariffs, tax on whiskey, Farewell Address - Stay away from political parties, wars, and European organizations, Proclamation of Neutrality - formal announcement that the U.S. would remain neutral in the war between Great Britain & France, Alexander Hamilton - Secretary of Treasury, Thomas Jefferson - Secretary of State, domestic policy - refers to government policies dealing with conditions within the nation , foreign policy - concerns relations with other countries, cabinet - officials appointed by Washington to be in charge of executive departments, political parties - associations that try to elect their members to government offices, Whiskey Rebellion - farmers in western Pennsylvania refused to pay the tax on whiskey, Pinckney's Treaty - agreement with Spain which allowed U.S. citizens to use Mississippi River to trade, Jay's Treaty - agreement between the U.S. and Great Britain which established limited trade relations,

Washington's Presidency


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