1) I would like to _________ in some double _________ ice cream.   a) induldge; fudge b) indulj; fuj c) indulge; fudge d) indulge; fuge 2) The victim's brother wanted to _________ his brother's death. a) avenj b) avenge c) avendge d) aveng 3) Sometimes doing homework every night feels like _________. a) drudgery b) drujery c) drugery d) drujjery 4) Do not _________ your friend winning the spelling bee. a) bejruj b) begruge c) begrueg d) begrudge 5) The artist became slightly _________ when his life's work was lost in a fire. a) unhindged b) unhinjed c) unhinged d) unhingd 6) They needed to _________ the river to find the remains of the ancient shipwreck.   a) dredge b) drege c) jredge d) drejj 7) Our constitution ensures that our rights cannot be _________ upon. a) infrinjed b) infringd c) infrindged d) infringed 8) Coughing can _________ food stuck in your windpipe. a) dislodge b) disloje c) dislog d) disloge 9) Be careful not to _________ your hair when you light the candles. a) sing b) singe c) sinje d) sige 10) "May I read the _________ version of that book for class?" a) abrijjed b) abriged c) abridged d) abrigged

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